Simone Natashi Gordon o/c “Tasha” born in the beautiful rural parish of St.Mary, Simone grew up in the Sunshine City of Portmore, St. Catherine . Embracing the cultural beauty
of this beloved island she gains her inspiration hence transforming them into beautiful and flattering feminine designs, her creativity and talent shine through her designs. Simone (Tasha)
signature is a combination of fabric and colors she carefully shade imperceptibly into each other to produce bold and beautiful clothing.
Simone is a self-taught designer from a generation of designers her mother , grandfather and grandmother, designing runs deep into her veins which enables her to transform just a plain piece of cloth into sheer masterpiece. Her designs is not limited to clothing she also masterfully
designs jewelry and many other accessories such as handbags/purse, scarf and bracelets. FIWI is happy to showcase T&T Fashion at our upcoming fashion show December 9th, at Chances, Negril Jamaica.
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